Book: The Raw Surfer


This book is about the power of surfing on mental health. Dr Laurier opens up about his struggles and talks through what he’s learnt from a ragtag bunch of surfers and his own experiences.



The Raw Surfer – Saltwater for the soul is written by one of our own. Dr Robert Laurier has opened up about his mental health in this book and has described how finding a connection with the ocean and a ragtag bunch of surfers picked him up from rock bottom.

“Anyone can catch a wave, but not everyone surfs.”

In this book, Robert starts off with journal entries he’d scribbled on the beach, in his car, on the streets and in the tent he lived in. He then dives deep into his philosophical thoughts on surfing and mental health, tied back to his research into publications and peer-reviewed articles. He ends with some short interviews with other surfers, and a Guide to Surfing for Beginners where he takes people through exercises and information on technique and safety to master the art of surfing.

We’ve got a few copies left in-house so you can grab one from us. Otherwise, feel free to get a paperback or Kindle version from Amazon here!